We will find and understand people on the edge of crisis, using data and insight, then redesign services to address root causes earlier, building better futures and avoiding human and financial cost. We will do this collaboratively with the community and voluntary sector and with individuals and families themselves, to rebuild public services that foster agency and hope.

Chris Naylor Inner Circle Consulting


“Quote from Chris”


– Chris Naylor, ICC Director and Lead of the From Crisis to Prevention Mission.



Demand for public services is outstripping our ability as a nation to fund them and the way they are currently designed can feel like a limiting experience to be endured rather than a gateway to freedom. We need to redesign services so that they work with people to tackle the root cause of what is happening to them rather than treating individual issues or symptoms. 

We need a functioning public sector more than ever, as the effect of austerity budgets, Covid and the cost of living crisis converge on a population living with changes to our economy and society that have not been adequately addressed in public policy or service design since the 1940s. For many people their needs are complex, multifaceted and long-term, but they are taking longer to recognise and resolve because the accepted approach is to adapt existing services to run on less funding, rather than overhaul them. 

The current approach is unsustainable and reaching breaking point, making it increasingly difficult for people to use and deliver public services while existing services shrink to basic crisis support. We are accumulating a mountain of future need, suffering and cost by turning away people whose problems are not yet serious. but could be overcome now, with a forward-thinking approach. 

You get to enjoy your job again and see real progress as together we figure out what the next generation of public services looks like. Our work will release countless strains on the system and build a functioning, financially sustainable public sector that delivers for the people it is there to serve, renewing trust between state and citizen. 

 Together we’ll be exploring, mapping and delivering a new field of progress, creating excellent data and insight so you can proactively identify those individuals and families who are most at risk of tipping into crisis, before they do so. We will work with your connections in the community, voluntary sector and local people to co-design and build capacity. We will then work with you to redesign and implement changes to your services based on all of this. Ours is a tenacious, delivery-focused approach that ensures you have the capability to keep abreast of changes to circumstances and need so that your services can continuously adapt long after we have gone. 





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